Asperges | You will sprinkle |
In nomine Patris | In the name of the father |
Et filii | And of the Son |
Et spiritus Sancti | And of the Holy Spirit |
Introibo ad altare Dei | I will go unto the altar of God |
Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam | To God who gives Joy to my youth. |
Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini | Our Help is in the Name of the Lord |
Dominus Vobiscum | The Lord be with you |
Et Cum spiritu tuo | And with your spirit |
Oremus | Let us pray |
Introit | He enters |
Kyrie eleison | Lord have Mercy (Greek) |
Christie Eleison | Christ have Mercy (Greek) |
Gloria in excelsis Deo | Glory to God in the highest |
Gloria tibi, Domine | Glory to thee, O Lord |
Laus tibi, Christie | Praise to thee, O Christ |
Adoramus te, Christie | We adore you Christ |
Credo in unum Deum | I believe in one God |
In carnatus est de spiritu sancto | Incarnate by the holy spirit |
Et homo factus est | And was made man. |
Per omnia saecula saeculorum | For ever and ever. |
Lavabo | I will wash |
Suscipe | Receive |
Sursum corda | Lift up your hearts |
Habemus ad Dominum | We have lifted them up to the lord |
Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro | Let us give thanks to the Lord our God |
Dignum et justum est | It is right and just |
Orate Fratres | Pray brothers |
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus | Holy, Holy, Holy |
Nobis quoque peccatoribus | To us sinners |
Qui tollis peccata mundi | Who takes away the sins of the world |
Dominus Deus Sabaoth | Lord, God of Hosts |
Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua | Heaven and earth are filled with your glory |
Hosanna in excelsis | Hosanna in the Highest |
Benedictus qui venit in nominie Domini | Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord. |
Hoc est enim corpus meum | For this is my body |
Hae quotiescumque feceritis, | As often as you shall do these things, |
In mei memoriam facietis | do them in memory of me. |
Pater noster, qui es in caelis | Our Father, who art in heaven |
Fiat voluntas tua | O Let your will be done |
Sactificetur nomen tuum | Hallowed be thy name |
But deliver us from evil | Sed libera nos malo. |
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum | Peace of the Lord be always with you. |
Agnus Dei | Lamb of God |
qui tollis peccata mundi | Who takes away the sins of the world |
miserere nobis | Have mercy on us |
Dona nobis pacem | Grant us peace |
Domine Jesu Christe | Lord Jesus Christ |
Panem caelestrem accipiam | I will take the bread of heaven |
et nomen Domini invocabo | And call upon the name of the lord |
Domine, non sum dignus | Lord I am not worthy |
Ut intres sub tectum meum | That you should enter under my roof |
sed tantum dic verbo | But only say the word |
Et sanabitur anima mea | And my soul shall be heald. |
Ecce Agnus Dei | Behold the lamb of God |
Ecce qui tollit peccata mundi | Behold him who takes away the sins of the world. |
Ite, Misse est | Go, the mass is ended |
Deo Gratias | Thanks be to God |